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The Slow Agony of the Animal
La Lente Agonie de l'animal



2nd MHPAB Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale,

Panjab University Fine Arts Gallery,

Chandigarh, India
45 min

Curators | Dhritabrata Bhattacharjya Tato, India;
Guillaume Dufour Morin, Canada;
Harpreet Singh, India/New Zealand;
Leafa Wilson, New Zealand;
Pinar Derin Gençer, Turkey/Sweden


Photographs | Hector Canonge, Ernesta Dirbanauskaite

and Khushboo Mehra

Video | Jonah Vigil


15 kg of rice
red-orange food coloring
2 fabric bags
black outfit



2nd MHPAB Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale,

Panjab University Fine Arts Gallery,

Chandigarh, Inde
45 min

Commissariat | Dhritabrata Bhattacharjya Tato, Inde ;
Guillaume Dufour Morin, Canada ;
Harpreet Singh, Inde/Nouvelle Zélande ;
Leafa Wilson, Nouvelle Zélande ;
Pinar Derin Gençer, Turquie/Suède


Photographies | Hector Canonge, Ernesta Dirbanauskaite

and Khushboo Mehra

Vidéo | Jonah Vigil



15 kg de riz
colorant alimentaire rouge-orange
2 sacs en tissu
tenue noire
rouge à lèvres

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